ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) supplies electricity to over 26 million Texans. That’s about 90% of our state! As we gradually increase our dependency on renewable resources, it becomes more difficult to continuously match supply with demand. There is an increasing need for flexible resources to maintain system reliability.

Black Mountain Energy Storage is always open to securing locations for battery energy storage facilities. We ensure they will not only be compatible with the surrounding grid, but also a benefit to the greater community. We collaborate with counties, municipalities, and neighbors to design our projects in a manner that meets their regulations and expectations.

Our team meets early and often with landowners and zoning and planning staff to ensure that stakeholders are comfortable with a project’s aesthetics, safety provisions, and other features. We also work with county and local tax assessors to ensure that the projects are of significant economic benefit to the jurisdictions in which they are located.


Energy Storage Helps Form a Resilient Electric Grid
  • Stores and Redeploys Renewable Generation During Times of Need
  • Supports Local Grid Reliability
  • Responds To Urgent Grid Conditions Almost Instantly
  • Safeguards Against Blackouts And Outages
  • Ensures Reliable Electric Supply Across Texas

Battery Energy Storage Systems are becoming widely used on global electric grids and have exhibited outstanding operating records.


Black Mountain Energy Storage is currently seeking to lease or purchase land to build battery energy storage facilities. A property needs to be at least 5-10 acres and located near or adjacent to existing electric transmission infrastructure in order to comfortably accommodate a battery energy storage facility.

If you would like to participate, these are the steps you can expect:


Participants will go through a 24-36 month review. A system operator will perform several electrical studies to determine if the existing network will accommodate the proposed facility.


A project developer will perform an environmental study to ensure that no adverse environmental impacts results form the installation or operation of the proposed facility.


Pending the results of the two previous steps, Black Mountain Energy Storage will acquire financial partners to back the project. Black Mountain will also cover any tax increase on leased land.


If you still have questions, or would like to discuss hosting a facility on your land, don’t hesitate to contact us.